Support Da'wah at in the Best Days of the Year

Support Da'wah at in the Best Days of the Year



  • About

In the best days of the year, make a difference by supporting in sharing Islam with millions of people around the world.

Earn abundant reward in these special days, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), said:

"He who calls others to follow the Right Guidance, will have a reward equal to the reward of those who follow him, without their reward being diminished in any respect on that account."

Amazing opportunity; isn’t it?

In addition to AboutIslam's big viewership, which exceeded 28.5 million page views in 2021, our team helped 90 people take their Shahadah through AboutIslam's Live Chat.

Our Live Chat service offers daily support to a wide audience around the world, especially Muslim youth, non-Muslims and new converts to Islam, with hundreds of weekly consultations.

AboutIslam's materials currently exceeds 28,000 articles, counsels, fatwas, videos, and more!

How Your Donation Helps Us

Your donation, no matter how much it is, makes a great difference. The impact continues, not only as long as the website is online, but also with every visitor who changes for the better and moves on to share goodness with their family, community and the world.

Here are some examples of how your donation can make a difference.

- Your $10 donation supports 3 hours of our live chat service.

- Your $20 donation allows us to produce a new video.

- Your $50 donation helps us host a specialist in a counseling session to help our visitors deal with their life challenges.

- Your $100 donation allows us to translate and publish 4 new articles in French and Spanish

- Your $250 donation covers the costs of hosting the huge content of on the internet server for one month.

These are just examples; the fruits of your donation are diverse and numerous.

“Finding good information about Islam on the net for new Muslims and non-Muslims is really really difficult.
There is so much confusing and conflicting advice out there. So, I was really glad six years ago to find 
I started to go to the website for daily questions. I did not know what I would have done without And now it is our turn to give back to them and to support this great work” –Sister Lauren Booth

Who Supports Us

May Allah (SWT) reward you and allow us all to continue presenting the beauty of Islam to the world
